Ségou: The roof of the is finished
The work continues. A Solar system will be installed on the roof.

Ségou: Own vegetable cultivation
We have already planted a vegetable garden for the Fanga School. January 2019

Ségou: L'infrastructure en développement
We finished the works for a fish farm and and the fence around the school is also completed. January 2019

Ségou: Energy from the sun
The devices of the solar system have been well received at the school. January 2019

Ségou: The solar system supplies the school with energy
The solar panels are installed on the roof. This project was funded by "Freundeskreis Kati e.V." (Erfurt, Germany) in cooperation with the German foundation "Nord-Süd-Brücken". February 2019

A water well for agriculture
The village community of Touana received a water well with a solar-powered pump. 220 women cultivate vegetable fields. The water is necessary for the growth of the plants.

Ségou: The work for a health centre begins
Rooms for basic medical care will be part of the school complex. April 2019

Fintiguila, Touana and Bolitoumou: Activities for health care
All three villages received health programmes for children and women during the year 2019.

Touana: New classrooms
The Fanga School project will finish the construction of two classrooms for the village soon. They will complement the first two classrooms - for 350 school children. June 2019

Fintiguila: New agricultural equipment
Fanga School provides the women of the village with a grain mill. June 2019

Ségou: The first new classroom is ready
Right on time at the beginning of the school year the Fanga School opens. We received financial support from many private donors and the German association "Die Bundeswehr hilft Kindern weltweit e.V.". September 2019

Ségou: The first days of school
The joy is immense. Lessons in functional and beautifully furnished rooms. October 219

Ségou: A new construction project has begun
A workshop is planned. We receive financial support from Germany again. Our partner is the "Freundeskreis Kati e.V." in collaboration with the foundation "Nord-Süd-Brücken". December 2019