The Fanga Project (CRDERMS) has done a lot of work in the villages where we carry out our activities. The villages Fintiguila, Touana and Bolitoumou. We realized infrastructures, medical activities, in the areas of hygiene, vegetable growing and teacher salaries. All three villages received our health programs for children and women, and the teachers of Fintiguila were paid by our association.
We have completed a large part of the Fanga School in Ségou, an ultramodern school in the centre of the city of Ségou.
From 2020 to 2021, we will extend our activities to Zembougou, a village that is larger than the villages where we are already active. This village has more than 6000 inhabitants.
For more information about our activities, please contact us either by e-mail or via Facebook.
In 2020: Lessons in the new school in Ségou
In the commune of Saminé, CRDERMS has created a school called Fanga School of Fintiguila. This village has been given 6 classrooms and a training room which the entire municipality of Saminé could use for vocational training of young people to fight against unemployment and migration of young people in their municipality.
The women of this village received assistance from CRDERMS for the construction of a water tower and the irrigation of 2 hectares. Up to day, more than 180 women keep making their living from the exploitation of this water tower. Besides the school infrastructure set up in the commune of Saminé, CRDERMS has helped the Fanga school of Fintiguila to pay the teachers of the school for the last 6 years and every child of this school has received a high level of education, thanks to good teachers. Given the success of the Fanga school and the impact on the children’s lives of the municipality, the mayor of the municipality has submitted an application to the Minister of Education to take charge of the Fanga School and support the programs developed by the coordination.
CRDERMS is currently installing 100 solar panels for the electrification of the Fintiguila student training room. The installation of the 100 panels will go a long way in helping students at Fanga School to learn how to use power tools in their vocational training.
Language teaching – N’Ko is part of the curriculum
Building a school and a workshop
Salad and vegetables from own agriculture
Project days at Ségou
The CRDERMS is also involved in the municipality of Sanando in the village of Touana by closing a plot of 5 hectares for women of this village who work to develop intensive organic farming in Sanando municipality. They are facing the problem of animals which cancels out all their efforts year by year. To this day, the construction of the two-hectare fence has begun.
in 2019: The village of Touana received two school classes and Bolitoumou a vegetable garden.
Touana Village Community
The CRDRMS has a plot of 10.000 square meters in the city of Ségou for the construction of a school complex.
We have completed a large part of the Fanga School, an ultramodern school in the centre of the city of Ségou.
The Fanga School has benefited from a classroom, the installation of a solar system and the development of a medical room. We have established agricultural activities for the students to finally have a base and food self-sufficiency.
The school opened its doors in October 2019. While the village schools are built and funded with the help of local and international partners till the moment the Malian government takes over, the Ségou school is a private school. The school is financially independent. School fees cover the costs for teachers, staff, school materials and maintenance. The idea is similar to the other Fanga schools: teaching the students both theoretical and practical skills. The workshops in Ségou will be bigger to be able to take on paid orders as well. Money earned there will be put towards the school and to new village projects. Exchanges will be organized between the city and village schools to create a better understanding about the differences between village and city life amongst the students and their families.
In autumn 2019: The new school in Ségou has opened.
Students visit a fair in Ségou
Mechanics lessons are part of the curriculum
Salad and vegetables from own agriculture
The first new classroom
All these achievements were the result of the good cooperation between the Mali-ka-di association (Belgium), the association Freundeskreis Kati (Germany), the Verbeke Foundation (Belgium), the Papillon Reizen Agency (Mali), the Aeriane s.a. (Belgium), the association Enfance Tiers Monde (Belgium), the association Bundeswehr hilft Kindern in der Dritten Welt (Germany), Junges Afrika (Germany), the Soroble Center (Mali) and the Foundation Nord-Süd-Brücken (Germany).
You can support the projects by CRDERMS with a donation. If you have questions about our work, we would like to kindly answer you in detail. You can find our bank details here.