New milestone in school construction in Ségou.

Learning the pottery craft
Fanga School - trains children for professions that are threatened with disappearance in Mali.
This was our year 2020
Text coming soon....
Next step: The roof of the school is finished. A solar system will be installed on the roof.
It is thanks to your moral and financial support, that the construction is taking place.
We thank everyone, who has helped us to restart the construction works of Fanga school in Ségou. We have been able to do quite a bit thanks to your donations. And we ask for your ongoing support for the work still to be done....
Ségou: The foundation is completed. This is the hardest part of building, and it takes a long time. It's the most important part in the construction.
Thanks to your financial and moral help
Fanga school projets (la coordination CRDERMS) a réalisé beaucoup de projet durable au cours de l'année 2016 au décembre 2017. La coordination tiens à remerciée toutes nos partenaires qui nous ont aide pour la réalisation des projet 2017.